Ecoarc Consulting Ltd.
We're an archaeological and heritage consulting company based in Victoria, BC and serving all areas of the province. We work closely with First Nations communities, various levels of government and private developers to meet their needs for archaeological services, training and education. Ecoarc is led by Paul Ewonus, PhD, RPCA who has 25 years of experience in BC archaeology. Contact us for an estimate or to discuss your requirements.
Photo: Shaun Canute, Cowichan Tribes
Archaeological Overview Assessments (AOA)
Preliminary Field Reconnaissance (PFR)
Archaeological Impact Assessments (AIA)
Culturally modified tree (CMT) inventories
Archaeological mitigation and monitoring services
Total station and Geographic Information Systems mapping, data management
Archaeological potential modelling
Archaeological workshops and training
Archaeological, historical, cultural and ethnographic research
Archaeological collections analysis, including fauna, lithics, and perishable materials
Osteological analysis
CMT stem round sample and increment core analysis
Remote Access to Archaeological Data (RAAD) property searches